East Coast ports reopening, air service returning to normal after Hurricane Sandy

Logistics capabilities along the Eastern Seaboard are beginning to reopen in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

Air service was expected to resume Tuesday afternoon, and freight railroads, which were unaffected by the massive storm, are running. Some key ports that were closed, such as Baltimore and Norfolk, Va., also reopened Tuesday. That isn’t to say there won’t still be troubles created when Sandy made landfall Monday evening and pushed its way inland, leaving tens of millions without power, shutting New York stock exchanges for two consecutive days, dropping heavy snow in West Virginia and leaving at least 39 dead in its wake.

The storm has passed, but we’ll still be subject to whatever delays are caused by the aftermath. It’s hard to guess what that is yet.

Power issues still plague New York and its port. Getting workers to ports and on trucks also could be an ongoing problem.

Trucks will be impacted less by traffic and more because of the lack of drivers. Power outages and idled public transportation could keep workers from reaching their jobs.

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